Car's running real well, Bill. Did OK at Run 'N Gun. See you at Mid Ohio again next June?
Regarding the "pretty spirited verbage", as I get older constant negativity tends to grate more and more on me.
As you can see, cbreez has once again "artfully dodged the bullet" of presenting who he is or what experience he has or even if he has a Cobra by blaming others for his being constantly picked on. I really do think he is nothing more than an internet troll who gets his kicks out of getting others angry (worked with me, that's for sure - maybe I'll get another piece of hate mail from him in a PM).
Look at cbreez's past posts and see how many threads that he has turned into p*ssing matches. Enough already. I will follow the message below from now on with regard to him and hopefully others that think likewise will too.