Thread: CSX vs. Kirkham
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Old 10-31-2007, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Lew Ledyard
Are you going to drive it regularly? The improvements that the Kirkhams have made are generally evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Most have been aimed at improving quality, consistancy and durability. I drive my Kirkham to work on most days (when it doesn't look like rain) and it is reliable and easy to drive. The choice between taking my Kirkham or another car is really just based on whether it is supposed to rain or not. I may be wrong, but it seems that many Kirkham drivers regulalrly use their cars as "cars".
Drive mine to work all the time. Drove it today.

I would reiterate, you CAN specify the Kirkham to come as original as you could possibly want. Remember, they got into business making parts to repair / rebuild originals, and can pretty much come up with an identical copy if that's what you want. Original suspension, no prob, two batteries behind the passenger seat? been doing it for years (they only canged because most customers preferred it that way).

In the end, only you can decide between a plastic car with an aluminum CSX plate, and an aluminum car. Which seems more original to you?
Ron R

"Dishwasher? I thought that was for cleaning parts!?"
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