While I do believe that SAAC has been dominated by too much of the same faces and needs "new blood" at the helm in some areas, the closeness of SAAC was in the individual cars built as shall we say "first generation" (62-70). Thing is there is/was exclusivity there...let's admit it alot of us "original" owners really don't consider a new thing 100% "shelby" as we see it historically. Now with the new club EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE - include the little Shelby Dodge OMNIs will be in the fold. Yep - they're built by SHelby with his name and they'll be parked next to an original R model. Kinda cool that it could be that opened...then again for us "original" 60's fans - might make you want to vomit the hotdog you pick up from the concession stand at the next AAC meet.