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Old 11-04-2007, 11:00 AM
amy B amy B is offline
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Originally Posted by kayakjack

Very well said.

In the sixties, Shelby competed with Ferrari and prevailed. It is his legacy. Shelby and Ferrari both became crusty old men. Both ran race teams - their passion. Both sold street cars to pay the bills. Shelby - younger and better able to capitalize on it all. Both had big factory ties. Shelby with Ford. Ferrari tied in with Fiat. Ford almost bought Ferrari for a few million dollars, so it wasn't worth that much at the time.

How did it all work out? Look at Ferrari. Look at the Tifosi, the biggest, most loyal, vigorous fans in the world. The race team. The street cars. The reputation.

Look at Shelby. Lawsuits. Ferrari folks put there names on a list and hope to get called soon to buy their new car. Buy from a Shelby licensee? Like you said - in with a check, out with a car or no deal.

I checked Shelby's market capitalization. A few million dollars. Burger King single franchisees do better. No PE ratio, because they have no profits. Stock selling well south of a buck. The facts say their philosophy is a failure.

I have been involved in a number of successful turnarounds. This has some earmarks of potential success. But I could do it better than they can. Their plan has fatal flaws that will insure nothing good happens. They think they can be successful doing more of the same. Customer's buying from licensees getting screwed. Lawsuits. Company's like Factory Five are the enemy. Replica customers are seen as second tier. But there are lots of them so they like their money. Half baked new "clubs".

Maybe someday it will really change. I don't know.


Jack, I will say this, first SAI hasn't been public for a few years it's on the pinks.We were 6+ million in the hole when I took over, we are certainly a lot better then a "market cap of a few million right now". I have invested a lot of $$$ in the new club and again, the new club is targeted at all the new cars and welcomes the vintage. I will keep saying that. I did not cancel SAAc I being me, Amy Boylan. Carroll and his licensing team did. Carroll did this for his reasons. My club was started being built months before this happened.

On the turnaround, you could have done it better? Maybe you could have, but you didn't step up? I did. So it's pretty easy to sit there and suggest something you can't prove.

On the replicar issue, it is before my time, I will leave it at that.


Last edited by amy B; 11-04-2007 at 11:49 AM..
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