hehe, Clois. yes... I knew about the 'top secret' project.
sworn to secrecy, tho'.
stuff from Jay. not yet.
Sam sent me an email saying Jay gave it to him on Saturday. So... around and around it goes! I'll find Sam at some point and get it. If not, he can just send it by snail mail!
thank you very very very very much!
looking forward to getting it.
regarding the 'uh oh carb problem'. hmmmm. I just don't know enough to be able to post here. MSD ignition?? i don't know!
I don't think so, tho'.
that's what's part of my frustration with the engine, motor, taking automotive classes thing. I feel like i ought to KNOW this stuff.
not to actually FIX IT myself, but to be knowledgeable.
I might get some driving time in today or tomorrow. this week is much much more manageable than the last 4.
Gary M. happened to be sitting in the office of Rob at KCM in Plano when we were scratching our heads on the phone. Michael, (the phone guy) said to me "i'll just ask the previous owner of your car if he had anything like this happen." I said "no, don't call Gary, I don't want him to think i'm complaining, or anything!" He said, 'he's sitting right here....' So, Michael asked Gary and Gary said it did do it to him, so he and a group took a good while to find it but evidently John Ross did and they determined it was the 'ignition module' of which he gave me a spare when i bought it from him. So.... was the ignition module in the trunk where it belonged??? no.... it was at home in my 'tool cabinet'. (yeah, that little bitty cabinet against the wall with two tools in it, tire gauge, and cleaning cloths)
so.... i gave it to Trish that afternoon and it was put on the next day or two.... all this while they were feverishly working on getting the Terlingua mustang ready.
Anyway.... Gary asked why i didn't call him in the first place. Well.... it's been nearly 4 years and i don't really want to bother him. It might sound like i was complaining or something. I'm not; but i wasn't sure. Anyway, I told him his warrranty ran out after 3 years.
next time, i guess i'll call gary and check. Doesn't hurt, and maybe whatever small problem i encounter he also dealt with.
so. gonna drive it around the neighbor to gain confidence in the repair.
you know, it didn't do it all summer. so i don't know if it is heat related, or if the module just 'went bad'. I don't know about these things.
But... I have a new carb that I'm not SURE 100% I needed, and a bit of confidence shaking that it is or isn't fixed. frustrating!
not trying to play sour grapes here, but just a bit unconfident. I hate that!
I want to know 100% that the car is dependable. I have always been the one that can drive to the track at Hallett from Tulsa and drive it right back. Cruise on and on forever without a problem with temp or anything.
I want to get that confidence back!
oh, btw. the fuel filter and pump were repeatedly checked. I kept thinking it might be the filter as well, per the postings here, but Rob assures me the filter is fine.
the problem is you can't just plug these cars into a diagnostic machine and it tells you what's wrong, like new cars. It's trial and error.
But ya'll know that.
thanks for the suggestions, concern and comments.
much appreciated!