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Old 11-08-2007, 02:46 PM
Wes Tausend Wes Tausend is offline
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The railroad that I work for sends out a short newsletter each month to employees, about 5-6 paragraphs.

October 3rd paragraph lead says, "Although the economy continues to be sluggish, particularly in the housing sector and imports,...". I thought the "import" remark probably refers to less spending money for those "$1000 shopping sprees" which results in less Container shipping.

Somewhere else I heard that Harley-Davidson expects to take a hit since many new bikes were financed with equity money. I suppose the same is true for Cobra replica hopefulls and many other pricey toys.

Don't feel bad, David (I know you don't ). My wife tells me stories about Darwin Award Winners all the time too. She, too, just leaves out the names of the not-so-innocent. Some of her best stories were when she worked for H&R Block. But that's why she quit there. Spooky.

It is kind of irritating that the rest of us will end up paying for idiots like are described in CDC's post. I know some people that have pulled this B.S., counting on a bailout. They willingly sold their souls and I shouldn't have to hand my wallet to the devil.

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