I will answer you one by one and thanks to you all for the discussion.
Dean; I can afford the premium-it's a fairness issue and has nothing to do with whether driving is a right or a privilege.Also I'm not fretting about the 'vettes or anything else..Please understand that the vette thing is just an example.My policy premium is $633.00. for the same exact policy from the same company and for the same stated value the '66 vette gets $292.50 with no mileage or purpose restrictions (I'm limited to parades and shows only).That means that I cannot take my wife out for an ice cream cone,get hit by a pickup truck and be covered for the loss.
That's just wrong!!!About the enjoyment part-I think this is a lot of fun!You my not agree with any of this and I respect your position,but there will be many more who want not to be ripped off and who will do a little work to try and set it straight. As for taking the tack that the companies are charging us a fair rate,remember;it is the only service that you pay for in advance,and once you use it,you are penalized with an increase in the premium or they drop you completely and in addition they will use any excuse at all not to pay the claim.Look at it this way,Dean-they already have your money.
Roscoe; As a New Jersey transplant living in Montana,I respectfully submit that as a section of the driving population,kit car owner/builders are no more safe or unsafe as compared to the general driving public. If you have statistics pro or con let me have'em.
PMfranke That's the spirit! The legislators want to hear from us of course but remember that it is a fairness issue,not necessarily an issue of numbers.
Cobradan; If you are required by law to have insurance,then it has to be applied fairly.
A note to all:In addition to high rates, there is no consistancy from company to company because there is no regulation. Personally I would like to be able to shop around for insurance and not have every companys' policy be different from the next.I would like to have them compete for my business, thus lowering premiums, and I would like to "bundle" all of my insurance with one company to get a discount. When I tried this recently,Trinity would insure everything except (you guessed it) my kit car.
Lastly, it is difficult for me to believe that anyone would defend an Insurance company unless you are an insurance agent. I work for Exxonmobil and I know what rippin'off is all about,and you won't hear me defending them just because I have to use their product.
Vette Killer