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Old 11-09-2007, 10:35 PM
What'saCobra? What'saCobra? is offline
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Looks like we are not ill-informed, at least about the availability and price.

Can Kress withstand the ill-will regarding his usurious pricing on "his" wheels? Won't all this agro trickle down or accross into his regular line of business? After all, while he is able to charge what he wishes, he doesn't actually do the work with his hand-file.

Do they know that Mag can be forged? Alternatives can be found and the energy for the search is often gleaned from the poor attitude and performance of a stubborn supplier.

Perhaps with that degenerative attitude they should be stiffed and actively ignored on all their lines of business.

To think that i used to pay $50 each for Halibrands and thought it highway robbery. Note, however, that H is nearly out of business several times after a fabulous and famous history of providing wheels to nearly every serious professional race team in N. America at one time.
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