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Funny that. i clicked "products" and came up with only mag wheels and samples of same. For instance, COBRA FIA and GT40 MARK II. Job lots is not mentioned, but i am sure you are correct.
Rather misleading at the least. i don't pass off that kind of mis-direction very lightly. Not impressive, no matter what quality.
If they are a custom-casting wholesale facility only, they should so state. And, they should direct retail purchasers to the retailers of the designs. Since they do not do that, it would seem to me they well know the designs may be at least potentially propriatary to 3rd parties other than their customer's.
The bigger gripe % then might be towards Kress' pricing and inventory policies on designs very important to the public... Nobody can control his margins more than himself. It is a free country, though, and the designs will not be worth much if another caster/forger can be found in China, Israel, or Russia.
Chinese Mag is much cheaper than Alcoa & Magcorp, who essentially control most of US mag in past years. Australia is becoming a globally important producer of mag alloy also and they have die casting techniques and local auto enthusiasts are available to help.
i would think an initial order would be for no less than 25 sets (100 wheels), with original offsets and sizes for each of both the 289's (FIA) and the 427's. Throw in some Kidneys for the kids and the total might be 600 wheels. i would anticipate a mfg. cost of perhaps $1500 per set of 4 FOB. With transportation and modest markup, $3000 per set might be quite possible.
Certainly not $6K.
i would imagine with modern facilities and modern alloys, the design and safety margins could be improved, also. Higher stiffness, better ductility for forming, less voiding, less corrosion, better surface finishing, etc all might be possible.
Of course, if Kress was more rational and forthcoming, all this might not be necessary, y'know?
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
George Washington
Last edited by What'saCobra?; 11-09-2007 at 11:43 PM..