Thread: Hoons beware
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Old 11-12-2007, 05:29 PM
Rebel1 Rebel1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Baz
Is it a coincidence that they are all Labour States.

On the other hand, Australia federally is doing quite well. high employment, low inflation, record surpluses.

Over the Liberals term in Government, they paid off a $92 billion debt left by Labour and we are now reaping the benefits.

Baz, I'm not getting into the political argument except to say I am not a labour supporter....never have been. However, given you appear to be waving the Liberal flag I'll make these comments.

Whilst all you say federally is correct, one needs to examine a little deeper. Labour introduced compulsory superannuation. A move which turned Australia from being a country with no savings to one with record levels of investment generating huge income.

The repayment of the 92 billion was made possible by selling government assets. Telstra being but one. It's ok to have debt if you have assets. Sell the assets and you can pay off your debt. No different to your private life.

I am against our involvement in the gulf war. Maybe because I'm from the Vietnam era. It is a war we got caught up in based on false threats. ie. weapons of mass destruction.

Now, we talk about a budget surplus. What would that surplus be if we didn't have to fund the $billions it's costing us. Do you think that if we are not involved those dollars would fund the wages of more doctors for our hospitals. Could we build more hospitals, schools, and whatever infrastructure we desperately need.

I suspect that if we were not involved we could solve our infrastructure problem in one stroke of a pen.

The current Federal government has been party to some horrific events. Think about the wheat board bribes. Think about the child overboard reports. Think about the loss of freedom to Australia citizens held under harsh terrorism laws without charge. Think about Centrelink Clients committing suicide because they have been unfairly treated by the feds.

It's about time we held our politicians to task. I don't give a hoot what side of politics they belong.
It's impossible to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys.

Last edited by Rebel1; 11-12-2007 at 05:31 PM..
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