Thread: Big Bucks
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Old 11-14-2007, 01:38 PM
racermike racermike is offline
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2 years is an load of crap from roy, again . they have cars in there longer than that .all they seem to do,is take deposits and rarely finish the job. till the customer is mad . ask roy about the law suits they have allready lost and dont care to settle up even then .its all at clark county gov site .seems to be problem with irs also so watch out. there new web site shows cars built well over 3- 4 years ago. same with the pics of employees .tom from toms motorsports is shown laying out the first challange racer .with two other employees, that no longer work there. they all quit due to the anal dan. who seems to even run roys business the way he wants. how do i know worked there 5 years my self .left when pay checks were bouncing,and cutomers were so mad . i built the car of the cancer victim. they were hoping he would die first ,along with another cust, whos wife did pass away ,but not before he took the car out of there and finished it him self.i got more lunch is over, call me at 702 348 4638 for more.i dont discriminate i hate everyone.