Thread: Big Bucks
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Old 11-14-2007, 04:51 PM
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David: Thank you for your post. I appreciate it. I wish all were as civilized in their posts and responses as you.

First, as you know I have great respect for you guys and Kirkham. Without you guys I would not have CSX4206. Thank you. You guys build an outstanding product and are first class. As Curt Scott once said you guys build the equivlent of the Faberge' egg of Cobras. In my mind the Kirkham qualifies as a legitmate Cobra. It is a Cobra in all respect except in technical legal name but now with its addition to the Registry, which I also posted I agreed with puts it over the top in my view.

As to my "have not" comment. Its no secret that there are a select few who routinely look to demean the Shelby series whenever possible. I view some if not much of that to be simply founded on the fact they don't have one. others may have different motives or perhaps truly feel that only the original series are REAL Cobras. But I'd be willing to be a large part of all that is based on sour grapes. Not all, granted but in great part, whether admitted or not.

My position and posts do not come from any "elitism". This accusation is just the same tired cover up to the old "one way" "double standard" here at ol' CC. Its ok for them to knock the CSX as in referring to it a "replica", fakey doo, copy of a cobra etc... but anytime I or an ower tries to defend the car by stating what the car is and officially recognized as we are now "elitist" I'm fully aware of what the Continuation series is and is not. I just reiterate the facts that some don't want to hear or recognize. I respect other cars I just think that respect is a two way street.

The comments from at least one now admitted and particularly nasty "have not" to my post was laced with the usual implicit CSX knocks. Thats fine. Its clear where it comes from and why.

If you go back and read my post, I clearly said I am neither advocating for the "big bucks" car or against it but merely pointed out that there are many cars that sell for more then like or similar cars for various reasons. One example used was the Shelby/Kirkham comparison. If I was slightly off on my numbers the cost differential is still subtanial when comparing new to new and used to used. If not 2x's then at least 1 1/2 x's. A new "done right Kirkham is $115K. A new "done right" Shelby $170K. That 43% more for the Shelby. Thats substantial. Comparing used figures $88K Kirkham to $145K Shelby puts the Shelby at 40% more. Again, substantial. My point. The buyer who pays the difference does so based on the perceived value difference for literally the same car.

Heck, you could also compare Kirkham values to ERAs, FFR and the like. Same basic shape car. Except for body material difference they are similar cars to ERA. The FFR chasis are similar to the original bird cage. Why is there such a differnce in price? Why do some people pay the difference? Why would most prefer a Kirkham to a FFR or an ERA if money were no object? Perceived value no doubt. Whatever the value to the person is i.e. they like "kirhams" or they like aluminum or they like the fact the Kirkham is the same car as the original in nearly every respect...whatever it is it is.

Is there nearly double the money in time, labor and equipment between a 997S and a GT3? Nope, I seriuosly doubt it. But try buying a GT3 for less then $140K especially an RS or RSR. Good luck. Basically the same car as the base 997S with racing goodies and tuned engine.

My point was that a limited edition CSX comp car is nearly twice the price of a standard CSX. You and I may think its overpriced but obviously there are buyers that see the value.

Heck, I think some SPFs, ERA and FFRs are overpriced and can't see spending that money when you could have a Kirkham for not much more. Wow! just wait and watch the @#$% gonna hit the fan now! Knocking replicas is taboo around here! This site needs the following sign posted "Knocking Shelbys only allowed here"

Many here were just taking the opproutunity on this "big buck" car to take more pot shots at the CSX series. I was trying to point out the car because of its special nature and limited build may have the value of $325K to certain people and its not that crazy or at least to not that crazy to them.

As to the Palestinians, no, I haven't walked in there shoes but I know enough about the situation to know they made there own problems and if they had any brains would have had a state back in 1948 and multiple times since then.
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.

Last edited by REAL 1; 11-14-2007 at 05:03 PM..