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My build is no different. With out trying to sound like a little league coach, keep your chin up. All good advice from these fine people. I do not like to set goals. For one if you do you are ultimately setting you self up for failure and discouragement. Nature of the beast with a car build and a family life. Goals and time lines with a family life are like a German and Japanese talking in a stuck elevator.
Secondly, truly enjoy the build (I'm trying my best to laugh at my scraped knuckles) because it will be a child of yours, you will remember its first steps. For some (not I) the climb of the mountain is more exhilarating then reaching the summit. I will enjoy my summit reach with a chicken dance on the driveway.
"A company that makes nothing but money is a poor company" - Henry Ford
Last edited by Venamm; 11-14-2007 at 11:26 PM..