Originally Posted by GlynMeek
Sorry Sideshow, the tach adapter MUST be set to 8, sometimes the switches make it look like 4, but it's just the way the documentation (online if you need to get it!!!) makes it look!
let us know when you solve this!
Hi Glyn, When using any tach with an LS1 the tach definitely needs to be set for 4 cylinder. The LS1 uses 8 individual coil packs each with it's own in built driver circuit. The ECU runs them in 2 banks and only takes the tach pulse from one bank hence the 4 cylinder setting.
On a conventional V8 with a distributor, yes set the tach to 8 cylinders. The LS1 is a bit of a different animal.
I'm using an Autometer 5" monster tach and it has no trouble running off the lower signal level.