rdorman & Undy,
Well I tried the 3/4 and 7/8 rear. The car stops like a champ. Since I had the tires off I took ou the brake pads and sanded them down. I also sanded the rotors as well.
I want to thank all of you guys that help with my problem especially rdorman and Undy. You guys really stuck in there with me.
I am not too sure about the 5/8 in the front. I think it might make the pedal alittle too hard.
But I have to say it is amazing the way my car stops now. I have never heard my tire stop and screech.
Now it is time for me to bedd the pads
1 more item left to complete my car. Webers!!!!! Still tuning them but at least now I can concentrate on those carbs.
Thank you again
Do you recommend different pads then what I currently have ?
Also most there