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Old 11-16-2007, 11:22 AM
amy B amy B is offline
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Originally Posted by gt350pilot
I picked up my copy of the new magazine and found it to be a good read. But in reading it I was very surprised to see something.

A very good friend of mine and his original cobra was used for an advertisement for the new csx cobras. I asked the owner if he had been asked for his permission and he said that he hadn't. I understand that if it was just an image of him it would not be a big deal but would think it would be a different situation to use it in an advertisement. Could anybody hear imagine how quickly Carroll's lawyers would be at your door if you used his image and car in an advertisement in a national magazine without his ok?

Another thing that was bothersome was that in reading the text it was decidedly unclear as to whether the car pictured was an original or continuation.To be sure that I wasn't out in left field I had many friends read the article and they were split about 50/50 about whether the implication was that his car was an original or not. I understand it is in SA's interest to blur the lines between the originals and thier new products but if I owned a car with an originals value I would not want any cloud on it's legitamacy.

Your right, we screwed up, we should have asked first. The add was for new cars, but was representing the DNA of original racing cobras, I did see where it could be confusing, we have talked to the owner, will let him know that when we will want to run again and will specifically say, "original cobra csx 2514"

yes, these types of posts will be allowed.

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