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Old 11-16-2007, 01:38 PM
JAM1775 JAM1775 is offline
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I not sure I agree with Sal's assertion that "FFR's resale has been diluted as a whole because it's a kitcar" as many folks home build ERA's, Midstates, Shell Valley, Unique and even CSX cars. If the car is not built with quality it will not be reliable or safe and may not sit well in the Cobra resale market proportionate to it's build cost.

My 8 yr old FFR MK1 definitely has a lesser quality body and other components than a higher cost kit or component replicas. Although, in '99 I chose not to use all donor parts in the build a factor contributing to cost reduction was the huge support of affordable Ford Mustang aftermarket parts. FFR's resale value is proportionate to the investment price range they occupy within the industry. FFR never set out to target the top end "glass replicas" . The affordability of FFR was the company objective. However, they have come a very long way in body/chassis and overall improvements since my prehistoric MK1 which still stops folks dead on the street. The newest FFR body plus "fully complete kit" minus drivetrain & tires eliminates the aftermarket requirement . The builder buys everything from FFR. Cost is higher but it still appears FFR's target audience is the same while quality is enhanced. They never shot for the top slots. That is why they remain a major player in the cobra replica industry. I high end cost Cobra is well beyond my reach. That's why I'd also sure love to see them expand to full never know.

Last edited by JAM1775; 11-16-2007 at 01:46 PM..
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