Originally Posted by JAM1775
I not sure I agree with Sal's assertion that "FFR's resale has been diluted as a whole because it's a kitcar" as many folks home build ERA's, Midstates, Shell Valley, Unique and even CSX cars. If the car is not built with quality it will not be reliable or safe and may not sit well in the Cobra resale market proportionate to it's build cost.
Right, but you can ONLY get an FFR as a kit, no exceptions. You can get most of those other cars built by the factory, and that makes for a consistant, quality built car, sold for a higher price. That's what I meant by my statement.
Sal Mennella
CSX 4241, KMP 357 - sold and missed, CSX 4819 - cancelled, FFR 5132 - sold
See my car at CSXinfo.net here >> CSX 4241