There were only 400 copies printed, and they have a serial number plate similar to the Cobra vin plate on the inside of the front cover.
I don't recall how many were signed editions (43 signatures on two pages, one page drivers, the other crew members There is also a certification signed by stauffer that the signatures are authentic).
Originally the book sold for $100 unsigned and $400 for signed versions.
The unsigned ones seem to range between $1100 and $1600 lately and signed versions seem to be around $2500 in the last two years. (not an official appraisal, just what I have been seeing)
I have a copy of each in my safe deposit box. I paid market value at the time for the unsigned one, and paid around $385 total for the signed one which I bought from a bookseller in Europe and had shipped. I didn't even realize it was a signed version when I was buying it !
When they reach a certain price I may sell one or the other, but their nowhere near there yet.
Last edited by Yetiman; 11-20-2007 at 02:16 PM..