Not Ranked
We sure don't need any snow here! You're welcome to it there.
CC would be a lesser place without your presence, you have had a Cobra and contribute to the club - please don't leave us now!
I'm no vet - didn't even stay at the Holiday Inn last night but - it sure sounds
like either the dog food or something out in the yard is not agreeing with the
pups. Hopefully the vet can figure it out or at least the pups get over it
and get their spunk back for you. Any kind of bug poison anywhere?
Chocolate isn't good either if I recall.
One draw back with these holidays is that for me today I tried to get a new drive gear for my garage door opener and they were closed today so it
will have to wait until Monday and it will be in manual mode until then.
At least I can still open and close it - but it is a leap to the past.