When I was down in Pasadena working, I went to the store and bought a few things. The girl at the cash register was telling me how she was going to college starting that year and just standing there. I asked her if I could have my change and she said she couldn't give it to me because they had had a power outage earlier and the digital display telling her how much to give back wasn't working yet. I told her what I needed back and she asked me how I knew that and also how I knew how many dimes & etc. was needed. I thought, boy and she is going to college, they must have lowered the entrance exams a lot since I went. Later I was over at the store and looked at the digital display. It would tell them you owe the customer , Example $3.57 back. Then it would say 3 $1 dollar bills, 2 quarters, 1 nickle, and 2 pennies. I am surprised it didn't have pictures of the money on there so they could see what a quarter was. Later I was talking to one of the supervisors that was stationed down there and he told me that was not at all uncommon.