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Old 11-26-2007, 06:32 PM
TerrysSPF TerrysSPF is offline
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Originally Posted by pipehunter
Finally, Amy B I respect your willingness to step up and field the questions. On the other hand, in light of the letter of Nov. 14, I certainly question your first comment (Nov.1, I believe) in this thread which reads, in pertinent part:

"The SAAC team will still continue with what they do, we have not renewed the shelby License, but I am sure they will continue with the registry. We at Shelby will also keep the registry for all new cars and old, if the owners of cobra and vintage mustang want to join.

I did not ask for there info back or any of their stuff. We have always maintained that we would keep the new cars we build and ford builds, SAAC does not have the GT_H or the shelby GT info, that has always been ours, as with all cars going forward."
Yep.........something smells a little fishy here. Either Amy is out of the loop, or she misled people here.

I don't think Team Shelby gives a rats rearend what happens to SAAC. Pity, since they helped keep the Shelby name alive and was a valuble asset to people looking to purchase original cars. Nothing like biting off the hand that feeds you, but it seems Shelby has made a profession out of doing just that.

I'm still not clear on the Jan 1996 date. Is Shelby asking for ALL documentation collected by SAAC from that date on - even concerning older vehicles (built pre 96) and information collected concerning original cars? -Or do they just want info collected on "newer" vehicles built from 1996 on?
No matter WHICH scenerio is correct, I don't understand why you would want to seperate this information in two parts, between two different books, and between two different companies.

Yep, sorry Amy, but it sounds like another typical Shelby lawsuit. -Bitterness & Greed.
IMO, Team Shelby doesn't give a rats ass about us replica owners, or even owners of the 'ol POS built in the 60's at this point. He (and you) are banking on the "new Shelby's" becoming popular and hoping enough of the "new" car owners join the club to make it profitable. -Heck, pretty soon Ford will be offering a new Team Shelby membership with every Mustang purchase.

-How sad (again) that it comes to this.

Last edited by TerrysSPF; 11-26-2007 at 06:43 PM..
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