Just wait. At least for the time being you don't have to have your lawn mower smogged. Here the new mowers and lawn and garden equipment must meet certain emission requirements. I e-mail a young guy who lives in Wisconsin and is an engineer for Genrac. He said two years ago they received a letter from California that if they wanted to continue to sell their generators and motors here they must meet certain emission requirements and be stamped California certified. We used to have an EPA plane that flew around here all day long every day looking for anything they could ***** about. Also two guys riding around in a white EPA car burning gas and just driving up and down the streets looking for anything. I don't see them any more as I think some guy complained about their stopping and coming up into his garage while he had the door open to see if they could find something that wasn't environmental friendly. If I remember correctly he took it to court and pointed out that the plane flying 12 hours a day and the cars running around all day long put out more pollution in a day than his little garden tractor did in 10 years. I haven't seen that car for over a year now nor the plane.