I do not own an original (which I and most would define as a vehicle manufactured by AC Cars, Ltd. and of 1960s vintage) nor do I belong to SAAC. But if I had a real dog in this fight (there's that word "real" again), I would be more than concerned about losing SAACs stewardship of the records to Shelby or any of his companies. Whether they like my replica or not (State of Florida put 1966
replica on my title so that's that!), SAAC has done a remarkable job over many years that helped to secure the worth of the original vehicles which we know can be easily duplicated right down to the last bolt. My gut feeling would be to be very suspect of the longevity of Shelby's stewardship (or lack thereof) of what are obviously important records. As opposed to his track record in racing, his track record in business is less than stellar. My bet is that the records will simply end back up in his attic. Christ, I here he's got another 90 chassis up there.