Glad to see you found the problem! Many people had very good ideas glad I could help. As many of us will probably agree especially when you can't "SEE" what the problem is such as with electrical gremlins that plague us from time to time it is frustrating
and time consuming to attempt to troubleshoot the problem. We often will find that it is a very simple element that is being overlooked or taken for granted one that we HAVEN'T checked.
I'm glad it has turned out to be something so simple. FRANK : Before you step back to a point type distributor give this a thought Ford Motor Co as well as all other manufacturers steped up to electronically triggered ignition in an attempt to comply with ever toughening emission compliance requirements. The first Ford modules (in 1975) had a a horrible reliability problem. The problrem was ultimatly traced to the insulation on the windings within the coil pickup itself. Heat was causing the insulation on the fine copper wire to melt causing a short circut and a change in the voltage created by the pickup coil that was insuficient to trigger the Ford ignition module. Hence no secondary voltage or spark at the plugs. Numerous cars and trucks coming into the
shop "ON THE HOOK", and angry customers. However shortly the problem was solved and the Electronic Ignition has become standard equipment on all motor vehicles. (Bikes?) It has all but eliminated the changes in ignition timing that occur when the rubbing block wears in a point type distributor. Emission
compliance for the most part is the farthest thing from most of our minds, but we can benifit from the fact that with a modern electronic ignition system and high quality distributor with electronic internals we can have "ROCK STEADY" ignition timing that in "OUR" (read high performance) application will be nearly trouble free, with little or no routine maintainance thereby allowing us to focus our efforts in other directions.
That's all
See you all at Sears Point Mini Nats Sept 1 & 2