Thread: Shelby vs SAAC
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Old 12-02-2007, 10:07 PM
What'saCobra? What'saCobra? is offline
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Dr. Rick
Looks quite correctly at that. On the video listen to the frenchie sophisticants titter as the English-speaking driver throws a left-rear little dirt. Heavens!

Check with a few of our londonium betters, members of the Hurlingham Club, about the yellow M6B that started up one night at the big Louis Vuitton Elegance contest in 1996 and left two very wide black stripes on the ClubHouse macadam, straight into the crowd, that all dropped their drinky-poos as this American madman drove right at their sorrily over-dressed assymtotes. Of course i got it stopped, less than 100 feet all together, but it did torque off my date in the right seat a wee. It was more than a little loud and just over ankle high.

You cannot believe how fast all those poshy folks jumped backwards, as a single organism, with hundreds of giant red stained & bleached white eyeballs and thousands of nice white teeth evidenced in the bright night lighting.

i had gotten bored with the many lovely very oldies putt-putting around the grounds in the evenings car parade, so since the motor was nicely warmed up and the tires needed a heat, i let 'em have a racing experience.

EVERYBODY came over after the pseudo-parade and thanked me for scaring the living daylights out of their wives and girlfriends... didn't bother them, of course. i told 'em it seemed to me there was no sex bias in the jump-backwards contests performance and that everybody was acting to save themselves first. Nice noisy party with gallons and gallons of Clicquot.

And the famous Hurlingham ladies? Mumm's the word. Lots of pigeon shooting & i felt like the pigeon.

AC were just closing the various doors and the receivers were calling the shots, to no one's pleasure. Price Waterhouse made a ton of pounds, of course (750K?). And some very unfair decisions, imo.

The thread question? i've soured long ago about both parties. Ned has done a great job protecting the Cobras as much as humanly possible. Don't care for the 350's much either way. Always thought they were lousy drivers, prone to breakage, fall-off parts, terminal rust-buckets, lurid tail slides, spinning in the first turn at LimeRock and Thompson and rather cheap. Got one for a while and confirmed my opinion. 500's were worse. Tended to point North in turns. FORD/Shelby pushed the 289's off the racing market to make the 350 competitive. Bloody shame. 289 remains a wonderful racer and driver.
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