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Old 12-04-2007, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by fsstnotch
And unfortunately will probably depreciate 25-40% over the next 5-10 yrs should CS gain full rights to the registry.
You bring up a very important and subtle point in all of this flurry.

It is my understanding that the original records of SAAC and all the data they have compiled internally and published in the form of the Registry is NOT what is being asked for in the recent lawyer letters.

What has been asked for is the return of all physical documents and records from the "old days" that were given to SAAC by Shelby.

...and the documentation ( not the originals) of the data on all Shelby vehicles that have been registered since 1996...the year Shelby Autos began making replica Cobras under their own name.

My point is: SA will not nullify the SAAC Registry past, present or future.
The Team Shelby plan will call for their own registry of the newgen stuff...and the classic stuff, if the owners want to send in their data. If no one does...that volume will be a thin book.

B-U-T nowhere is there the legalese to abscond with SAAC's Registry or the right to continue it.

As the pitchfork and torch mob runs with this stuff... it is really important to point this fine distinction out.

..and my personal opinion is that none of this will really affect present or future values of the classics. SAAC's data on the classic cars is impeccable.

Last edited by computerworks; 12-04-2007 at 11:54 AM..
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