If your primary concern is dependability, I would suggest you consider your options carefully before buying any Cobra. There are many posts on here of new Cobra owners expressing concerns over the dependability of their Cobra. They are then blasted by members informing them that "dependability" and "Cobra" are not generally terms that go together.
You will NOT get the same dependability as a factory built car like your mini. Won't happen. Things will come loose. Tighten those things up and something else will come loose. Regular maintenance on a Cobra includes going over every nut and bolt with a wrench. If you don't, some thing will fall off. It will most likely leak from some where. If it doesn't leak when it's delivered, it will start. Regular maintenance on a BDR includes bleeding the clutch system at least every 6 months. If you don't, parts will fail.
If you even start a Cobra up, you will stink like exhaust. Fact of life. Deal with it. In the summer in Florida it's hot as hell and driving a Cobra is, well, hot as hell. The wind will beat your ears so hard they will ring for hours after the drive. If it rains, you'll get wet. A soft top is like pitching a tent on top of the car. Even if you have a soft top, if it rains you'll get wet.
If you buy a Cobra expecting the same dependability or dealer service as a Mini or BMW, you'll be disappointed.
I'm on my 3rd Cobra. I love them. The sound is beautiful music to me. The raw power is intoxicating. The simplicity of a car with no power this or automatic that is just what I want. My wife and I wear Eau De Cobra perfume with a smile after a drive. The group of people that we have met through the Cobra club are the best. I expect to own a Cobra for the rest of my life.
Happy hunting.