1964 - 289 140mph @ 7000rpm, 3.77 rear gears, easy with Webers or even only the 715cp Holley, nose highish, like a contemporary mid-60's 'vette at 125mph. Weber much quicker. Street cars saw 7000 rpm every day a few times for over 10 years and stayed glued together. Didn't use over 6500 in first much, too easy to over-rev. Never lost a motor. Mobile 1 since invented. Early days with Pennzoil racing
oil, except Dec to March 15, used regular Pennzoil. Quicker with top up. Kind of noisey and VERY taut.
1967 - 427 165mph @ 6800rpm, 3.06 "airport" gears, slow at top end with 950cfm 3bbl Holley, nose highish, sort of stable, drifting L & R. Would only rev over 6200 in high, if necessary. Never lost an engine. Mobile 1 since invented.
Fast at the time, pretty modest today. Still exciting in the car, though.