Get well soon Maurice we missed you.
That was a fun turnout. A really nice bunch of Cobra's.
I picked up John at "Oh cold thirty" in the morning after scraping ice off of my daily driver, in order to clear my driveway to get the Cobra out. As we got close to Mel's, John commented on how well my 'heater' worked on such a cold morning. You should have seen the look on his face when I said "John, I don't have a heater"!
Big Block Baby!
We went for a short drive up Salmon Falls road after breakfast and John showed me 'Dead-Mans-Curve', where he dented his Cobra.
Terrifying to think about!
P.S. I went downtown on the way home and buzzed the "Easy Rider" bike show at the Convention Center this weekend. Got a Huge roar & applause from the crowd waiting in line to get in when I did a big burnout right out front!