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Old 01-21-2008, 06:16 PM
poweredbyford poweredbyford is offline
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Location: Wantagh, ny
Cobra Make, Engine: 1981 Aurora slabside 302
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Interesting thread. Guess we are all cast from the same mold more or less. I've been sitting with a cup(s) of coffee surfing the web looking at and for GT500's for or around MSRP for the opposite reason's posted by trs900 down in sunny Florida.
I'm up north on Long Island and I don't seem to use my roadster much. I have to admit that it's like a project in itself just going for a ride and it was my only (hotrod) till the master plan was put into effect about a year ago. To suppliment the roadster I purchased a garaged kept 96 Cobra Mustang and justified the plan to the wife that on days that it was to cold...or to whatever we could go to the local shows etc. in the Mustang with air/heat and her hair intact and it has been a nice combo.

Since I (we) purchased the Mustang I seem to use it about 80% of the time so as much as I want to keep the roadster the NEW master plan is to sell the roadster and the 96 Cobra and purchase a GT500 if one can be found for around MSRP.

I slid the copy of Mustang Enthusiast Mag over to the wife at dinner which features all the current digs from Shelby for her to GET the idea of the NEW master plan

Trouble is...I've let go of cars that I wish I had kept,the Cobra roadster is hands down the coolest car I've ever owned and think I'll miss it alot every time I see one but I do like seat time and the Cobra Mustang has extended time behind the wheel.

The other NEW master plan(B) is to keep the roadster and the 96 Cobra and add a 08 Softail Custom to the mix...

More coffee...more pacing...

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