meat...and anyone else
Just being a realist...I hope nobody tries to phuk with SB100 anymore. The last time it was tweeked, it made it worse.
Need to enforce what we have already...let the AG continue to go after the dealers and the pricks who tried to go around the law in the first place. Tired of the BS about being sucked in by "someone else" or they "didn't know" or they failed to do due diligence when they bought from another owner. Because of the later amendment, many SB100 numbers were used up to "fix" the previous screw-ups. I wished there had been a sunset clause on that...been enough time.
Increased education of the DMV morons...assolutely. Probably do better if it was outsourced to Calcutta to the best of their folks instead of sitting across the counter from the worst of ours.
The DMV site needs to be completely redone, as others have noted.
The whole damn thing ought to be done online. Register normally as an SPCN. Go online to get your SB100 after you start the SPCN process. If the idiots would get their heads out of their asses, it would allow them to cross check before the number is issued.
Need to take the sub-human part (local DMV folks) out of the equation.
JMHO...actually, since I have mine, let 'em scrap the whole damn thing.