Thread: Update on GT500
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Old 01-25-2008, 07:06 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
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congrats. You will LOVE it! Great fun car, watch out for speeding; it sneaks up on you pretty fast. (going faster)
I think you should drive it home. Yeah, it's a LONG WAY from MI to FL, but..... take the 3-4 days for yourself, (I'm sure you deserve a minivacation) and just point it south east.
My only concern would be the snow/ice in parking lots, etc. The hiways may be clear but the side roads, parking lots would be messy. But.... when you get home, you'll have plenty of time to get under it and tidy it up!

Not many people take the time to really have fun with their cars. We can't really 'trust' our Cobra's to make a cross country trip (i know, several have, but most wouldn't) and what better time than in a new car, ready for the road???!!!!

Anyway, good luck and post pics once you do get it home- whether by transport or cruisin'!!!
nice color combo... but i'm still a bit partial to white/blue.

ps. you're worried about fuel costs??? uhoh....... That car isn't exactly fuel efficient. I can watch the gauge going down on a 'road trip'. In fact, I'm heading to Texas A&M in a few weeks and DEFINITELY taking the 500! (hope it isn't storming or anything, then i won't take it )
If you are concerned about fuel costs now..... just wait. ugh!
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09

Last edited by hey,littlecobra; 01-25-2008 at 07:08 AM..
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