I have used the Right Stuff on some transmission leaks and it was great. Never had a problem after that. My FE has a Paranormal leak. Not valve covers as they have been checked numerous times. Put talcum powder all down the back of the block and looked with dye to see if I could see any traces with the dye or in the talcum powder where
oil had ran. Nothing. Took inspection plate off and checked flywheel and clutch. All dry as dust except for some disk dust that fell into my eyes. Always wear eye protection. I swear where the
oil does drip from there is no way for it to get there. It comes from the mounting unit that holds my clutch fork and unit in and it is mounted on the side of the transmission bell housing about 1/3rd way up. It is just powder dry all above and around it. And as I have stated it hasn't leaked much. Just a few drops every time I drive it. But it would be nice to know how that
oil gets up there. I have a haunted car!!!