Thread: website issues?
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Old 01-29-2008, 05:45 AM
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No, I don't think it is just you. I have seen others that have had trouble accessing certain sites and threads and then they go back later and can get in. I had a thread that only showed 4 pages and the last page was 5. I couldn't get it to even show Page 5 let alone let me on it and a little later I went back and it worked just fine. So far it seems I am experiencing more different problems than anyone else or I am just doing more complaining. But they are intermittent and it is hard to try and get any kind of pattern. I hardly ever have any problem early in the morning like now. It is later when the heavy usage starts that I begin to have problems. And what really messes with my mind was I never had any problems and the site worked faster than ever for me until after the Nav. Bar was added. Since then it has been one thing after another.

Edit To Add: I did go to the Blog section and it worked perfectly for me before I started having all the problems. Now I try to post an answer and I get the Page not available screen, but when I go back to the Club cobra Forum Page, the answer to the Blog is in.

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Last edited by Ron61; 01-29-2008 at 07:10 AM..
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