I spread the CHP process/visit out over a 4 month period. The Santa Clara DMV office consistently gave me 60 day TOPS, no questions asked. As far as I can tell, the DMV doesn't even track the number of TOPS issued.
After I got the CHP visit out of the way, I visited the DMV and had them verify that my VIN number that the DMV certified was correct in their system. Got another TOP and they told me I needed to visit the BAR. I didn't go to the BAR or make an appt. During that time I visited the DMV and got another TOP. I ended up receiving a letter from the DMV asking me to complete my registration and visit the BAR. I visited the DMV when I needed a new TOP, showed them the letter, and explained to them that I hadn't received any details about how to reach the BAR (what's the BAR anyway??
). Got another TOP from the DMV, since I was having a tough time coordinating my schedule with the BAR.
Most of the time, the DMV rep won't even look up, they'll just hand you a new TOP. If you don't get one, make an appt. another day or go to another office. You shouldn't have any problems stretching the process out.