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I am going to break my attorneys protocol and respond. I am by myself at this point and overwhelmed. My son is helping out but we are behind. My attorney has told me to stop all communication to anyone at this point. I know it sounds stupid but I'll give a brief explanation of what's going on.
The former owner of Classic is trying to take over the business based on a transfer of my contract to him. The transfer was for payment due him from another contract. My contract clearly states that it is non-transferable. I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars to fight this. There are several others issues pertaining to this also.
This in no way effects your orders or parts due to any of you. All it is doing is adding time to the process.
Based on this I had no option except to stop communication with everyone. I can't go into why at this point.
We are not closing, we are not filing bankruptcy, we will start answering the phones soon. We will ship your orders, we will ship your backorders.
I wish this could have been handled another way but it couldn't.
All I ask is that everyone be patient. This will be over very soon.