Originally Posted by JBCOBRA
Hi RodgerH
I have been digging Deep trying to find the before and after alignment/corner weight specs. It has to be here someplace. I even found the Title to the car LOL
From the factory it was Way out of wack. At the time I was in a big rush to drive it to Watkins Glen for the Vintage Gand Prix. My engine install guys, Don and Tom Coon, did an awesome job, but that was as far as they got before I had to hit the road. With only a couple miles on I drove it 250 miles up to Watkins glen drove it another couple hundred miles up there and drove it home. THAT was an ill handling beast!!! After I got back I took it imediatley to my guys who build road race cars. They have all the cool toys for setting up a car. NIGHT and DAY difference LOL
I have previously seen messages about adjusting the springs to set the wheelwell heights and I wondered how doing that would affect the corner weights. Your message hit on this and made me wonder what is really important?
Is the goal to have equal L/R front weights and equal L/R rear weights? Or do you try to get all four corner weights the same (if that is even possible)?
Thanks for helping me understand this. I have yet to have my car aligned or the corner weights checked, so I'm trying to understand what I should try to do.