I quit smoking a long time ago, but the damage was already done. Wish I had never done it.
Takes a long time to write.
All total, we got about 8 inches. Thats not real bad, but it makes going to work fun. I have noticed people who drive small cars are either nuts or have bowling ball size Kahunas. I75, a major freeway is ice covered with ridges of snow. I and a few of other less than crazy souls are storming along at 40 MPH. I look in my rearview and I see a small red Komakazi flying up in the left lane. Had to be doing 70.
This little red car passes us and is up the road in no time...on ice.
Lord, I wish I was young again so I can have nerve to push the snow envelope. I do not know if that little car made it to where it was going, but there were a number of cars in the ditches.
Well, enough of the drive to work adventure.