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Ok, I still haven't got the coilover problem licked yet because I haven't had the time yet, but I do think I need new bushings for the rear end links. I'm not sure if this is the right terminology but is it a 4-link? There are 2 short arms (approx. 12") on the upper and 2 longer ones (approx. 30") on the lower side that hold the differential to the frame. I had my son rock the car back and forth with the ebrake on and I could see and hear lateral movement at the lower link which connects to the frame. Figure it would do to replace them all. This may help eliminate the slop and noise I have been noticing. I did pick up a new bolt kit per DV's suggestion I just havent pulled the assembly apart yet to install. Where do I go for new bushings and does anyone know what they are? Do these come from CR? Thanks.