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Many possible problems
jwinkler #6 gauge wire is too heavy for a coolant Fan #10 is what most specs call for. First see what the amps are for the fan at HI speed. Add 10% fudge factor, Most coolant fans are 18-23 amps hi speed. A 30 Amp slow blow is fine. Don't go any bigger. Next to check is the ground wires to the fan motor. Try and have 1 good CLEAN ground to the fan from the chassic, 2 is better from 2 different spots. Use star washers for the ground connectors. Shrink wrap the contector to water proof. #10 black wire. You have to remember that there is a spike of ampage when the fan runs on, as high as 40-50 amps with a single, duals are higher. Before you do any repair you need to hook up your fan and run it for 10-20 minutes with it hooked to a cheater wiring. Put the fuse in the curcuit. The fan motor my be going bad. after being hot for 10-20 minute it my blow or burn the wiring. If not, look at the contacts in the fuse block. Is the fuse welding into the fuse block? Weatherproof connectors are needed anywhere outside of the car or where water can get too. It may be possible that the relay contacts welded together or have high resistance. again causing the wiring to melt. A picture of the back of the fuse block if open will tell alot. Painless make a nice 12 curcuit kit. You may want to look into this if alot of the wiring looks in poor shape. Painless and rewiring the car may be the cheapest way to go in the long run. Need pictures. Good luck Rick L.