Originally Posted by Excaliber
Because your car is NOT a 1965, unless you plan on convincing the government it 'really' is because the title says so. Try that in Calif and you could go to jail. My ERA is also titled as a 1965 and I had an offer to sell it in Norway. That country required proof of when the car was FIRST REGISTERED, which was 1986, all though the car left ERA in 1984. They declared the car was a 1986 year and I could put the title where the sun don't shine.
Actually, in Virginia it is perfectly legal. Virginia allows you to title the car as the year that it replicates as opposed to the year it was built. The law was recently passed and implemented this past summer. You merely have to agree to not use it as a daily driver and limit your driving to no more than 5,000 miles/year.