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"It's obvious that you'll spend money on advertising for more business, but won't spend the money to "fix" what appears to be your problem.
Typical big business attitude."
You are certainly entitled to your opinion based on your experiences.
"Whenever you buy a crate engine from these "massed produced" racing engines, you don;t know who is really machining/assembling your engine. They are in the business to sell volumes of engines, assembling them as cheaply as possible to make a profit. The assembler could be a guy with 6 mos experience, or a 20 yr veteren, maybe not the latter because his salary may be too high.
There are too many people out there building engines that really have no idea what they are doing."
A visit to our World site homepage will reveal the 5 minute long "Shop Tour Video". There one can see that our facility is the rival of any well-funded NASCAR shop, minus the chassis/body sectors. Three DTS dynos and $1 million worth of machine tools help produce 400 engines per year and thousands of castings. I will remind that these are engines produced from our own castings exclusively. Something only one other aftermarket builder does.
Further, the video will reveal exactly who puts our engines and cylinder heads together and who dyno-tests the finished product. It can be seen that there are no teenagers here.
It is true that a great deal of this occured since the period from 2001 when Mr. Chesnut received a bad product and and short-sighted treatment. But the point is that improvement has been a steady and expensive part of our growth.
"I suggest buy the parts you want, and have a local reputable machine shop machine and possibly assemble your enigne. I think you'll be better off in the long run every time."
This advice is certainly a valid alternative but companys like ours offer complete subassemblies of heads, short blocks or rotating assemblies for any homebuilder as well.