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SFI Certified
From a page on HotRod Mag regarding running 11.99 or quicker ....
An SFI-approved scattershield is also necessary in this e.t. category. NHRA requires the scattershield to have an SFI aluminum-foil sticker. According to Red Roberts of McLeod Industries, older bellhousings can be certified by sending the scattershield and block plate to the original manufacturer. The company will inspect the housing and if it passes, it will receive an SFI 6-1 certification. Most SFI certifications are good for five years. Contact your manufacturer if you’re not sure.
The clutch and flywheel must also be SFI certified. The main consideration in this area is to avoid using a cast-iron flywheel. According to Roberts, sometime in the mid-’70s most of the new car companies began using nodular iron flywheels that are much safer. Most, if not all, current high-performance aluminum and steel flywheels are safe when used in conjunction with an approved scattershield, but the rules state that the pressure plate and flywheel need an SFI certification number.
'Liberals are maggots upon the life of this planet and need to get off at the next rotation.' (Jamo 2008)