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Welcome. This question has been asked many times and to answer it, requires asking you a bunch of questions. What will you do yourself? You can buy paint for a few hundred dollars and you can spend $3K to $10K for someone else to paint it. Depending of the manufacture, the body prep could cost you a fortune to have someone do it to a show car quality level.
Which body style do you want. I have a 5.0 stroker in a 427 body. Everyone is excited to see the car and everyone who knows anything about them asks "does it have a 427 in it?" It better not bother you cause your going to get asked every time you drive it.
Look at Hurricane. A link is on the lower left side. If your close to Pen. go to Carlisle show this spring. It is likely worth a plane ticket from anywhere.
Consider buying an existing car. You could easily save $10,000 over what it would cost you to build the same quality car.