Hey Wannabee,
Go to the Club Forums area on the main page, Texas Cobra club near the bottom. You'll find our DFW group chatter.
The DFW group meets the first Sat of every month. Location
TBD the week before.
We're also meeting this Sun at Chuck's hamburgers at Coit/Arapaho at 11:45, then driving to TGI Friday's car show from 1-5 at SE corner of Belt Line and Tollway in Addison.
I'm Miles, check my Gallery for pics of my SPF. I'll be happy to give you a ride and let you crawl all over it. Not sure if there will be a BDR there on Sun or not. Almost every monthly meet, there will be both manufacturers represented (plus 5 or so more) and you can go for a ride in both, see them side by side. Within the group there are brand new models from both SPF and BDR. There's a lot of knowledge about both brands here. (not me, but I know people...