The $40 is a great deal!
They are for real and do not require too much time to change out.
Look at the hub, it carries a special little scew of two types 180 degrees from eachother which really make for nice security w/o the huge visual. Just be sure to remove before removing the spinner..made that mistake yikes.

I am very happy with my set of Vintage Wheels as Bob is A-1 to deal with.
Wished they had 15" FIA wheel..................maybe some day.............

I have taken the liberty of dulling down the fantastic polish to simlulate mag wheel. I could not find the gut to unpolish his fantastic forged tri-wing so I opted for a second set. Interchange often......

Notice that I also painted the wheels to match the old mag Dow#7 gold coating. Gives it the vintage wheel look of the Vintage Wheel!
Great wheels
Great customer service
Great company