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Old 02-23-2008, 01:52 PM
diegokid diegokid is offline
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Angry seeds are planted

Once the idea is brought up it's just a matter of time till it's passed. I remember several (25) years ago giving a speech about the government banning smoking in federal buildings. Thats fine but its just a matter of time until its everywhere and will start to include anything the government deems bad for you. Now there are towns that have banned smoking in the city limits period. There was a bill a few weeks ago on our senate floor that failed it basically said fat people can't eat in public dining establishments, who decides if you are fat? The fact it made it to the state senate in the first place worries me. Anything that is posed as good for us will eventually pass because enough people won't say anything. As long as we have people that will elect the likes of Turd Kenedy we are in trouble.

As far as oil goes we have more than we need, we just can't get it, you know its bad for mother earth to poke those holes in her. Everytime I hear someone complaining about being dependent on the middle east I want to scream. It doesn't have to be that way!

I could keep venting but it boils down to this. Government is too big and we have too many people that think its the governments job to regulate everything and support them in the process.

I loved it when Mitt said if the United States wasn't careful we would become the France of the 21st Century.
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