Jerry, we were running the heater -- but with Sten's old bones, 95 degree's is frigid! Actually, those pictures were taken right after we got back from lunch and had just opened a garage door.
Jerry I'm running Electromotive's new GT setup and a Innovate wideband. Basically it's got everything the Electromotive TEC3 has, less a few functions that I'll never need. We got the Painless chassis harness all laid out, which was truly Painless. Things got a bit nutty when we concentrated our efforts towards the Electromotive. This thing does EVERYTHING under the sun, and for the most part we were able to get a handle on which wires were needed. Trouble set in when we only found 6 injector wires and about 6 GP I/O wires. Like Steno said, I just need to find time to sit down and figure it all out. We didn't attack the wiring according to the manual. I skipped right over attaching the crank trigger and sensor, as we figured that could be done later. Here's a picture of the unit and the multi-colored pasta.