Originally Posted by slow_motion
Glad you like it Chris! Get familiar with seeing that color from the angle pictured above -- just a LOT further back. I can't run a supercharger with stacks, and 16 gas/NOS lines would look terrible IMHO. I'm pretty sure the engine should make about 215 FWHP or about 160 RWHP (+/- 2 HP)  Who knows, with the stacks I may get up to about 185 RWHP. That'll be plenty to knock off about 90% of the blue ones! An upgrade to 89 octane, and I'll beat the snot out of the quickest blue ones! (You got that Al?)
This is getting dropped in my BLUE cobra shortly...
Dyno pull video
I'll slow down a little to let you get a better look at the shade of blue